Does arthritis hurt all the time?

+1 vote
asked Oct 12, 2020 in Pain by Andrewwilliams (1,140 points)
Does arthritis hurt all the time?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 17, 2020 by Owelserer (870 points)
Some types of arthritis pain can hurt all the time and some other types of arthritis pain may come and go.

Not all arthritis hurts all the time but some can.

When you suffer from arthritis you may feel pain in your wrist, knee joints, leg joints, finger joints, toe joints etc.

Arthritis can occur when your joints are inflamed and when they are not inflamed the joints may not hurt all the time.

Taking pain medicine such as aspirin, Aleve, Ibuprofen etc can help with the arthritis joint pain.

The most painful type of arthritis is Gout Arthritis.

Gout Arthritis which is the most painful type of arthritis is a condition that is caused by elevated levels of uric acid in the body which is a bodily waste product that occurs in the bloodstream.

To help ease the pain of gout you can drink some tart cherry juice to help get rid of the gout and treat the gout.

My Grandma suffered from gout and she would drink tart cherry juice when her gout arthritis would flare up and the pain went away within a few hours of drinking the tart cherry juice.

She also started drinking tart cherry juice a day or so before she would normally experience the painful gout and when she did drink tart cherry juice her gout pain never came around.

So drinking tart cherry juice can help prevent gout flare ups and cherry juice and tart cherry juice are good for your health as well.

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