The average person spends around $3,000.00 to $4,000.00 per year on gasoline.
I spend around $250.00 per month on gasoline for commuting back and forth to work and that equals to $3,000.00 per year.
If I take other trips such as road trips or just go driving somewhere else then my gasoline cost can go up to $4,000.00 per year.
Gasoline cost can be a pretty big expense for most people especially if you have to drive back and forth to work.
So it can be a better idea to live closer to work if you can afford a place closer to work.
But if you do love driving and can afford the gasoline cost to drive back and forth to work then that is okay.
I live around 50 miles one way away from work so I drive around 100 miles per day on workdays to get back and forth from work.