Is there a fat burning pill that works?

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asked Oct 9, 2020 in Weight Loss/Dieting by ButtPucker (480 points)
Is there a fat burning pill that works?

2 Answers

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answered Oct 11, 2020 by lulumeon (40,870 points)
Yes there are fat burning pills that work as long as you take the fat burning pills as often as you should and need too and you also eat healthy and exercise.

Fat burning pills do work as long as you're also exercising, eating healthy etc.

I have taken Swanson brand of fat burning pills and they did help me lose weight a lot faster but I also changed my diet and ate mostly salads and other low calorie foods.

I exercised to help burn off calories as well.

Redwood fat burning pills as well as Instant Knockout Fat Burning pills also work.

Most any over the counter or online fat burning pills do work as long as you take them as directed and give it time.

The fat burning pills will not cause weight loss overnight but if you continue taking the fat burning pills over a period of 6 months to a year then you should see a good amount of weight loss.
0 votes
answered Oct 16, 2020 by herdas (3,280 points)

I am looking for some pills too currently, and I found some interesting ones on Canada drugs, for example. What do you think about those? Maybe you will find them helpful to you too, check those out, guys :)

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