How much is a good boob job?

+1 vote
asked Oct 9, 2020 in Womans Health by ButtPucker (480 points)
How much is a good boob job?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 10, 2020 by Kaitlyn (3,850 points)
The cost of a good boob job is around $3,000.00 to as much as $10,000.00

You can usually find cheaper boob jobs but it's not a good idea to go the cheapest route when getting a boob job or any other surgery.

A good boob job surgeon will not be cheap but will be well worth it.

A boob job surgery will need to be paid out of pocket as it's a cosmetic procedure and not a medically necessary procedure.

The average cost of breast augmentation surgery is $3,947.00

But the cost can vary from location to location and how well done you want your boob job to be.

The more work that needs to be done for the boob job or breast augmentation surgery the more it's gonna cost.

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