21 Month old son taking Diaper off?

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asked Nov 30, 2016 in Toddler/Preschooler by KPNJ (200 points)

My 21 month old son is taking his diaper off after he pees or poops, is he ready for the potty? I thought he was doing it to be "bad" but its been going on for weeks!

1 Answer

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answered Dec 2, 2016 by Lilly21 (57,780 points)
He may or may not be ready.

You could try sitting him on the potty and get some underwear. I don't recommend using pull ups because they're just diapers too.

Go straight to underwear and be prepared to clean up accidents on the floor and was underwear.

He clearly doesn't like the feeling of the wet and poopy diapers so switch him to underwear and give the potty a try.

If he's not ready then you might try some little keeper sleepers to keep him from getting at his diaper and taking it off.

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