Is recycling scrap iron good for the evironment?

+1 vote
asked Oct 5, 2020 in Green Living by akpreacher (420 points)
Is recycling scrap iron good for the environment?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 5, 2020 by Dovorah001 (470 points)
Recycling scrap iron is good for the environment.

When we recycle scrap iron and scrap tin it means that we don't have to mine for more iron ore to make new steel products.

That saves the iron ore in the ground and saves the earth.

Scrap iron and scrap tin can be melted down and recycled millions of times without losing any of the qualities of the metal.

The good news is scrap iron and scrap tin gets recycled a lot every year.

It's estimated that there are at least 81 million tons of scrap iron and scrap steel that gets recycled every year.

You can make some money selling scrap iron and scrap steel so it can be worth it for your pocket book and for the environment as well.

We still have billions of tons of scrap iron ore left in the earth but recycling iron and steel and tin is good for the environment and we should continue doing so.

The amount of money you can make from selling scrap iron depends on the amount of scrap iron you have to sell and how much the scrap metal yard is paying for scrap iron.

Scrap Iron prices can change daily but as of now here the price of a ton of prepared scrap iron which is 3 ft in length is $80.00 per ton.

That does not seem like much money.

However if you have several tons of scrap iron to sell to the scrap yard then you can make a good living selling scrap iron.

But you need to collect, buy and sell a lot of scrap iron to really make a living out of it.

If you just sell a little scrap iron here and there then there's not much money to be made.

I sell scrap iron sometimes after I build up enough of it and then I take it all in within a month when the prices are good enough and then I can make $2,000.00 in one month.

I don't sell scrap metal or scrap iron for a living but I sell it as a hobby and people give it to me anyway so it's free money other than having to work to load it and sell it.

I can't say no to money.

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