Does Ashwagandha lower your heart rate?

+1 vote
asked Oct 3, 2020 in Other- Health by knsoise (430 points)
Does Ashwagandha lower your heart rate?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 4, 2020 by 77Lyn (2,000 points)
Ashwagandha does not lower most peoples heart rate and is pretty safe for most people to take.

However if you have any heart problems then the Ashwagandha may mess with your heart rate and cause an increase in cardiac output as well as increase blood pressure in people who have heart problems.

Ashwagandha can safely be taken long term for most people.

However some people may experience health issues or other side effects from taking Ashwagandha long term.

Pregnant and breast feeding women should not take Ashwagandha as it can cause complications with the pregnancy and cause health issues with the baby who is breast feeding.

Also if you have any autoimmune disease then you should avoid taking Ashwagandha unless a doctor says it's okay to take the Ashwagandha.

It takes around 20 days of taking ashwagandha for the ashwagandha to balance hormones.

The ashwagandha works great for balancing hormones but ti does not happen right away as it needs time to work inside your body.

Your hormones should begin to be balanced within 20 to 30 days of taking ashwagandha but sometimes it takes some people a little bit longer.

My hormones began to become balanced within 20 days of taking the ashwagandha so it should help your hormones balance within the same time frame.

But it's normal for some people to take longer for their hormones to balance because everyone and everyone's body is different.

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