Do dental hygienist wear scrubs?

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asked Oct 1, 2020 in Dental by W1ndo0Paine (5,080 points)
Do dental hygienist wear scrubs?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 1, 2020 by Gracy (149,380 points)
Yes a dental hygienist does wear scrubs when they are working on the patient.

The dental hygienist not only wears scrubs but will wash their hands before and after working on your mouth and teeth and will be wearing rubber gloves.

The job of a dental hygienist is to examine the dental patients for signs of any possible oral diseases including things such as gingivitis, and provide preventive care, including oral cleaning and teeth cleaning.

If you need a tooth pulled then a regular dentist who has qualifications in pulling teeth will be the one to do that.

The dental hygienist would not pull your teeth because that is not in their job or qualifications for it.

A dental hygienist will also give you education about keeping your teeth, gums and mouth clean and healthy.

Being a dental hygienist is a good career choice and they will always be in demand and being a dental hygienist you can earn around $72,000.00 per year which is pretty good but it does take some study in college to become a dental hygienist but it's one job that will be always around.

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