What is it like to wear diapers in public?

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asked Sep 30, 2020 in Incontinence by jker64see (340 points)
What is it like to wear diapers in public?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 30, 2020 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
Wearing diapers in public is amazing.

When you wear diapers in public you do not need to find a toilet to pee or poop.

I wear diapers all the time and no longer use a toilet and I wear diapers in public all the time as well and wearing diapers under my pants or shorts feels great and feels much better than underwear.

Nobody really notices that I'm wearing diapers in public and if they ever did they never said anything about it.

I've even been to the beach wearing just my diaper and shirt and although I got a few laughs nobody said anything to me.

However when in public such as stores, etc I will wear pants over the diaper.

Diapers are better than regular underwear because they are padded and also are convenient to pee in.

I will never stop wearing diapers as long as I live.

Babies, toddlers wear diapers in public all the time and if they can wear diapers in public so can we as adults, teens and older kids.

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