Can nerve blocks cause nerve damage?

+1 vote
asked Sep 29, 2020 in Other- Health by KetProluscv (730 points)
Can nerve blocks cause nerve damage?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 3, 2020 by liana (37,450 points)
Yes nerve blocks do have the ability to cause nerve damage.

Nerve blocks are pretty safe but in rare cases nerve blocks have caused nerve damage although most of those nerve damages that were caused by nerve blocks were only temporary.

But some of those nerve blocks have caused permanent nerve damage.

If you take blood thinning medications then you have a higher chance of getting nerve damage from the nerve blocks than those who do not take blood thinning medications.

Nerve blocks can be given through injections and even some oral medications.

Most commonly though nerve blocks are given to people through injections by a doctor.

However some people may take nerve blocks through medications by mouth.

A nerve blocks job is to cause a deliberate interruption of the signals traveling along a nerve which help stop pain.

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