The reason it's considered bad luck to see your bride before marriage is that some brides and grooms may change their minds right before they get married.
So for example if you were preparing for a wedding and your bride or groom came into see you and talk to you then they might get the Jitters or just say they are not actually ready to be married.
However my second husband and I saw each other before marriage and we never changed our minds.
Seeing your bride before marriage being bad luck is just a superstition that has stuck around and if you truly do love each other then neither one of you will change your mind about getting married.
To be able to get married without your parents consent and permission you have to be 18 years old to get married.
However if you get your parents consent and written permission you can sometimes get married as early as age 15 to 16 years old.
The actual age at which you can get married with parents consent depends on your states laws.
If your state does not allow you to get married then either wait or move to a new state that will allow it if possible.
However be aware that marriage is a big and huge commitment that should not be taken lightly.
Make sure you know the person you're wanting to marry and make sure it's what you want because marriage is a huge thing.
I've married before when I was younger and it turned out he was not the man for me like I thought.
But after I waited a few more years and got to know another guy I found that he really was the man for me and now we've been married for 15 years and have 3 wonderful kids who I also love.