Can Oil pulling really heal cavities?

+1 vote
asked Sep 14, 2020 in Dental by Ikrainian (310 points)
Can Oil pulling really heal cavities?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 14, 2020 by LindaHartzell (26,630 points)
Yes oil pulling with coconut oil can help heal cavities.

When you do oil pulling at least twice per month you can also reduce the chance of developing cavities in the first place.

Oil pulling with coconut oil helps to rid your teeth, gums and mouth of bacteria and that's good because the bacteria can lead to cavities.

Brushing your teeth regularly and flossing as well as using mouth wash can help prevent cavities and tooth decay as well.

Once you have lost your adult teeth which are your permanent teeth you cannot regrow them like you can baby teeth.

Our bodies have 2 sets of teeth when we are born and those are our baby teeth and our adult teeth.

Our baby teeth fall out between the ages of 6 to 8 years old and then we start having our permanent teeth come in.

The permanent teeth which we grow after our baby teeth fall out are the last teeth we will be able to grow.

So it's important to take care of your permanent teeth to prevent tooth decay and to keep your teeth.

There's no way to regrow teeth whether it's by use of eating egg shells or anything else.

However eating eggshells can help give your body calcium which can help keep your teeth strong and healthy as well as help keep your bones strong and healthy.
0 votes
answered Dec 22, 2020 by garcia98 (2,180 points)
Oil pulling does help really heal cavities as long as the cavities are not too bad.

Once the cavities have spread too far and got to bad then the oil pulling won't be able to heal the cavities.

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