Is it bad to sleep in a cold room?

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asked Sep 13, 2020 in Other- Health by Mukeshnu (530 points)
Is it bad to sleep in a cold room?

2 Answers

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answered Sep 13, 2020 by Minmocatfood (6,180 points)
It's not bad to sleep in a cold room as long as the cold room is not too cold.

Research has shown that people get the best sleep when the bedroom is 65 F or cooler at night as the cool temperatures help you fall asleep.

However you do not want your room to get too cold as that can cause illness and make you sick and prevent you from getting enough sleep.

I would say any room temperature that is cooler than 55 F would be too cold for sleeping.

But any temperature of 55 F or above is an okay cool temperature to sleep in.

During the winter I turn down my heater thermostat to 60 F which is cool enough to sleep.

That is because I'm also under my blankets and am warm enough.

But in the day the thermostat in the winter is set to 75 F which is how I like it.
0 votes
answered Oct 24, 2020 by jane (4,950 points)
I like to sleep in a cool room.  I made myself a room out of a basement.  I was helped by basement contractors chicago  They took care of good insulation of the floor, made good ventilation, the environment is quite comfortable.

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