What are the chances of dying from gastric bypass surgery?

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asked Sep 11, 2020 in Weight Loss/Dieting by cha000 (470 points)
What are the chances of dying from gastric bypass surgery?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 11, 2020 by achmyouse (2,360 points)
Gastric bypass weight loss surgery is a very safe weight loss surgery procedure.

Your chances of dying from gastric bypass weight loss surgery is very low and only about 5 percent out of 100 percent of people who have gastric bypass weight loss surgery have complications and around 1 percent of the people have died from complications.

The people that do die of gastric bypass weight loss surgery usually have other health problems when they go in for the gastric bypass weight loss surgery.

For the average healthy person having gastric bypass weight loss surgery is pretty safe and you have a very low chance of dying from it.

My sister had gastric bypass weight loss surgery and she survived just fine and had no complications.

But just like any other surgeries they all have some risks.

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