Should an 8 year old boy wear diapers on road trips?

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asked Sep 11, 2020 in AB/DL by cha000 (470 points)
Should an 8 year old boy wear diapers on road trips?

2 Answers

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answered Sep 11, 2020 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
Yes 8 year old boys should wear diapers on road trips because the diaper makes it much more comfortable to go on road trips and when the 8 year old boy needs to pee or poop they can just pee or poop the diaper while on the road trip and then change the diaper when it's convenient.

When I was 8 years old I wore diapers on road trips without my parents knowing because I loved diapers and would pee them when I needed too and I love sitting in wet diapers.

When I have kids my kids are gonna wear diapers all the time including on road trips even at 8 years old.

I'll also make the kid wear nothing but a diaper, shirt and socks or shoes when at home without pants over the diaper because kids look so much cuter even at age 8 years old when wearing diapers without pants.

I wear just diapers without pants at home as well and have even gone to the beach that way as well.

8 year old boys should wear diapers all the time.

All kids no matter what age should be wearing diapers instead of using the awful toilet.

I am an adult who no longer uses the toilet for either pee or poop and I wear diapers all the time now and use the diaper for both pee and poop.

Diapers are much better than the toilet because you always have your toilet on you and when you need to pee or poop you just pee or poop without holding it in.

Diapers are much more comfortable than underwear or boxers as well.

I wish my parents made me wear diapers at 8 years old and I wish I had never been potty trained either.

When I get married and have kids one day I'm never potty training them and am gonna keep the kids in diapers all the time and change them.
0 votes
answered Dec 30, 2020 by philrodg (1,290 points)

Of course, older children can still benefit from the advantages of a diaper, for example on longer car trips. If you handle diapers naturally and don't make them into something special, they can be used without age limit.

At our house, diapers are still used every day, during the day and at night. And accordingly, there are no car trips without our boy going to the changing table first. Even for short trips he always wears a diaper.

You can have a look at our changing table here:

commented Dec 30, 2021 by Ts2021 (1,500 points)
Only if it is medically necessary.

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