How long do you wear your soaking wet diapers?

+1 vote
asked Sep 11, 2020 in AB/DL by cha000 (470 points)
How long do you wear your soaking wet diapers?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 11, 2020 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
When I wear a soaking wet diaper and have time to stay home or play in my back yard outside in just my diaper and shirt and sandals or shoes.

I will stay in the soaking wet diaper for 6 to 8 hours unless i have to suddenly go somewhere then I change out of it.

I once stayed in the same soaking wet diaper for 2 days straight and although it was fun it also caused a severe rash a few days later so I no longer do that.

I wear diapers all the time now and no longer need or use a toilet.

Soaking wet diapers are the best and I really do love wearing my soaking wet diapers as long as possible.

I once went 2 days in a soaking wet diaper but it gave me a rash so now the longest I stay in the same soaking wet diaper is 8 hours at most before showering and changing into a new diaper.

Yes I do love soaking a diaper to capacity and then staying in the soaking wet diaper for hours when I can.

The wetter the diaper is the better and the more squishy the diaper is the better.

I sometimes put 2 diapers on that I can soak through and have a really thick diaper.

At home I mostly wear just the diaper and a shirt and sometimes sandals or socks and shoes as it makes me feel more like a toddler.

Soaking wet diapers are the best.

I too love to wear a soaking wet diaper and will even sit down on the toilet when I know the diaper is soaked to capacity and about to leak.

I will then sit down on the toilet while wearing the soaking wet diaper and then continue to pee into the diaper while letting the pee leak out of the leg gathers of the diaper.

I love feeling the pee running down my legs and letting the pee out into the soaking wet diaper as it feels so great.

When I'm outside wearing just my diaper I will continue wetting the already soaked diaper and let the pee leak out of the diaper onto the ground.

I hate changing out of a soaking wet diaper and have worn a soaking wet diaper laying in a hammock for 8 hours at night before when I slept out in a hammock in just my diaper on a warm night.

The more soaked the diaper is the better.

I wear diapers all the time now and would not want to wear underwear anymore.

I change the diaper if I have to be somewhere but if I'm at home and want to lay around or play in a soaking wet diaper I will do so.

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