What countries sleep on the floor?

+1 vote
asked Sep 11, 2020 in Other- Society & Culture by Jeanne (270 points)
What countries sleep on the floor?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 11, 2020 by Kitty45 (3,120 points)
One country that sleeps on the floor as a tradition is the Japanese.

The Japanese also traditionally sit on the floor when eating at a table.

When the Japanese sleep on the floor the Japanese tradition is to sleep on top of a precisely arranged combination of cushions and mats.

Then at the bottom is a tatami mat, followed by a Shikifuton (or mattress) and a kakebuton (the duvet), and topped off with a buckwheat hull pillow.

So yes the Japanese do sleep on the floor but they also use cushions or a small mattress on the floor to make the sleeping on the floor more comfortable.

I sometimes will lay a blanket on the floor along with a pillow and will lay there watching TV and will easily fall asleep.

Sometimes I get some of my best sleep while sleeping on the floor.

Some Chinese as well as Mexicans sleep on the floor along with the USA.

But not everyone in those countries sleep on the floor but it's up to the person themselves if they are comfortable sleeping on the floor.

I have a Japanese friend who I visited about 10 years ago and she slept on a bed and not the floor.

Also some Koreans sleep on the floor but not all.
commented Feb 2, 2022 by DavidLynn (300 points)
edited Feb 3, 2022 by DavidLynn
I knew that sleeping on the floor was a tradition in Japan. Their tradition is very different from ours. But even on the floor, they sleep on a mattress, because the most important thing is comfort. When I was choosing a mattress to sleep comfortably, here https://mattressella.com/mattresses-for-sex/ I studied the information about the types of mattresses carefully. And it helped me to make the right choice so that sleeping and spending time on it was comfortable.

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