Can uneven tire wear cause vibration when braking?

+1 vote
asked Sep 6, 2020 in Repairs/Maintenance by jevasonhas1 (380 points)
Can uneven tire wear cause vibration when braking?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 7, 2020 by Shelde (51,110 points)
Uneven tire wear can sometimes cause vibration when you're braking.

However vibration when braking is most commonly caused by warped rotors or even stuck brake calipers that are grabbing and not releasing properly.

Just plain brake rotor wear can cause brake rotors to warp and become uneven which can lead to vibration of your wheels and that vibration can lead to uneven tire wear.

Get your brake rotors and even wheel alignment checked out if your front tires are wearing out unevenly because uneven tire wear is not normal.

Vibration from uneven tire wear usually happens when you brake after traveling down the highway or interstate.

Wheels that are not balanced can also cause vibration and uneven tire wear as well as bad shocks or bad struts.

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