Is 5 years old too old for diapers?

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asked Sep 4, 2020 in Grade Schooler by Trevor9902 (430 points)
Is 5 years old too old for diapers?

6 Answers

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answered Sep 4, 2020 by McCormik (1,980 points)
5 years old is not too old for diapers.

Although a 5 year old child should be potty trained unless they are incontinent or have other delays then the child at 5 years old should be potty trained and out of diapers during the day at least.

A 5 year old may wet the bed though and may need to wear diapers at night for awhile and that is okay.

A 5 year year old will usually be starting kindergarten and cannot go to kindergarten wearing diapers unless they have a health issue that requires diapers.

My own 5 year old would wet his pants in Kindergarten because he was shy and would not ask the teacher to use the toilet.

So sometimes he would wet his pants.

I started having him wear some Pampers diapers to school in case he didn't make it to the toilet.

Nobody knew about the diapers and he didn't need to have it removed until he got home.

He was toilet trained at home and used the toilet at home but he wore the pampers to school just in case and it was better than him wetting his pants and being made fun of.

He also wore pampers diapers at night for bed wetting.
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answered Sep 4, 2020 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
You're never too old for diapers at any age.

If the 5 year old wants to wear diapers and not potty train that is okay.

When I have kids I'm not potty training them ever and they will stay in diapers all the time.

I'm an adult and love wearing diapers and wear them all the time now.

Right now I am wearing a Luvs size 6 diaper and it feels great as I've just wet it.

I'm wearing a Luvs size 6 Triple Leak Guards diaper and it's great.
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answered Dec 30, 2020 by philrodg (1,290 points)
No, definitely not. We do have a boy still wearing diapers. Feel free to visit our blog:
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answered Dec 30, 2020 by SandSam (7,630 points)

5 years old is a perfectly good age to wear diapers.

Many 5 year olds and older wear diapers and they should if they need too or want too.

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answered Nov 24, 2021 by toshka (1,900 points)
I was wondering the same thing
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answered Nov 24, 2021 by Carrie123 (14,510 points)
A 5 year old should be potty trained and out of diapers in the day if they have no medical issues.

However it's okay for a 5 year old to wear diapers if they need too or want too.

Some 5 year olds may need to wear diapers for incontinence, autism or for bed wetting.

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