What can a doctor prescribe for a cold?

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asked Aug 31, 2020 in Other- Health by mxlpx (570 points)
What can a doctor prescribe for a cold?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 31, 2020 by Nicolassmith (670 points)
When you go see a doctor for a cold virus the doctor can prescribe you some stronger antihistamines, antibiotics, cough suppressants, decongestants as well as nasal steroids that can help you recover faster from the cold virus.

There's no cure for the cold so a doctor cannot do much for a cold virus but they can prescribe you those medications that can help you recover sooner.

Vitamin D does help with colds and can help prevent the cold virus as well as help you recover from the cold virus much quicker.

Having enough Vitamin D as well as Vitamin C and other nutrients is essential to a proper working immune system.

When your immune system is working properly and is strong your body can fight off viruses such as the cold virus, flu virus and other viruses which help you recover much quicker.

zinc does help kill off cold viruses.

Having enough zinc in your body helps to fight off the cold virus and may even prevent the cold virus.

You can take Zinc supplements to help increase the amount of Zinc in your body.

Taking Zicam also works to help get rid of a cold virus.

In most cases you can stop a cold virus before it starts by taking some cold medicine.

Also eating foods that contain Vitamin C, Vitamin D etc can help stop a cold virus and may even prevent the cold virus from starting as well.

if possible avoid being around people who have a cold or wear a mask when around them.

I take Zicam at the first start of a cold and it helps to stop the cold before it starts.

Yes from my experience the zicam Rapidmelts do really work.

Although there's no cure for the cold and even the zicam Rapidmelts do not and cannot cure a cold they do help to ease the symptoms of a cold.

I found that if I take some zicam Rapidmelts before a cold really sets in the cold usually goes away much faster and sometimes it prevents the cold.

Zicam is not dangerous if used properly.

However if you take too much Zicam then it could become dangerous of if you use Zicam too often it can become dangerous and cause other health issues.

However when you take Zicam as directed and only use the Zicam in moderation then it's perfectly fine and safe.

Taking too much Zicam which is a homeopathic cold remedy could damage or destroy your sense of smell.

But the people who take Zicam including myself that take it as directed and do not use too much of it have no problems with the Zicam.

All medicines can be dangerous when used incorrectly or when you take too much of it but as long as you take the proper amount of the medicine and do not overdose on the medicine it's safe.

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