How does a person get MRSA?

+1 vote
asked Aug 29, 2020 in Diseases Conditions by Jesse654 (410 points)
How does a person get MRSA?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 4, 2020 by McCormik (1,980 points)
MRSA is an infection caused by bacteria that is spread from person to person contact or by touching other things that the infected person has touched.

When a person touches someone or things that are carrying the bacteria then they can become infected if they do not wash their hands or wear gloves.

Some people have MRSA and do not know about it when someone is infected by them.

A person can get MRSA by touching contaminated wounds or by sharing personal items, such as towels or razors.

Signs of MRSA infections are red swollen skin, warm to the touch skin, painful skin when touched, skin that is full of pus or other drainage and some people may have a fever.

If you have MRSA you need to see a doctor and get some prescription antibiotics to clear up the MRSA.

Also make sure to wash clothing, bedding etc that the person has touched who has or had MRSA.

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