How do sloths catch their prey?

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asked Aug 8, 2020 in Other- Pets by cshimp (960 points)
How do sloths catch their prey?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 12, 2020 by Sylie (520 points)
Sloths do not really have much prey that they catch to eat.

However sloths do sometimes eat Lizards, bird eggs and sometimes insects.

The lizard will come down at night to catch their prey and reach out with their arms and hands and then put them in their mouth to eat them.

Sloths also eat vegetables and leaves by use of their hands as well.

A sloth can take as long an entire month to fully digest their food that they eat.

Sloths are color blind and cannot see in color.

Also sloths are basically completely blind in bright daylight and cannot see anything when it's very bright out.

Sloths are color blind because sloths have a very rare condition called rod monochromacy which means that they completely lack cone cells in their eyes.

Sloths are very slow and only move at most 123 feet of distance in one day.

Sloths move very slow because the sloth has a low metabolic rate which means they don't have as much energy and without enough energy the sloth cannot go very fast.

Sloths cannot move fast at all.

Sloths do not have the energy to move fast so they move slow and cannot run away or move fast away from any predators.

That's one reason Sloths are mostly seen hanging up in trees although the sloth comes down really slow to poop and then goes back up the tree.

Also you cannot hold a sloth in Costa Rica or at any other place.

Holding Sloths in Costa Rica is not allowed as it's not good for the sloths health to be held by a human and most sloths do not like to be held anyway.

Sloths also get stressed out quite a bit when humans are holding them.

Also sloths can transmit bacteria to humans which can make the humans sick.

So you should never hold a sloth although it would be great to do so.

When I was in Costa Rica I saw signs that said that the sloths could not be held.

If anyone at any sanctuary tries to let you hold a sloth then they will get into trouble.

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