Can you live on public land?

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asked Aug 6, 2020 in Camping/RV by stlebitch (300 points)
Can you live on public land?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 7, 2020 by lulumeon (40,870 points)
On some public land you can legally camp for 4 days to 7 days and in some cases you can camp on the public land for up to 14 days.

However after the time limit you must move off the land for at least a few days to a week and then you can return.

So technically the land if it's public camping land that allows camping you could live on the public land for life as long as you move out every week or so for awhile and then return.

But just be aware that just because the land is public land does not mean that you can camp or sleep on it.

Some public lands are just for day use and not for overnight camping.

If the public land allows camping it will usually say it does allow camping.

If the public land does not allow camping then once again there should be a sign saying so.

But if there's no sign and you're not allowed to camp overnight then if you do the worst that would happen is a cop comes knocking on your door, vehicle, etc and tells you that you have to leave.

If you come back and camp after being told not too then you can get a ticket.

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