Can I listen to music downloaded off of YouTube to an mp3 converter for listening at home without violating copyright?

+2 votes
asked Aug 1, 2020 in Music by costy (6,510 points)
Can I listen to music downloaded off of YouTube to an mp3 converter for listening at home without violating copyright?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 1, 2020 by 9urnball (490 points)
Yes you can legally listen to music downloaded off of YouTube to an mp3 converter for listening at home without violating copyright.

The music that is on Youtube is intended for people to listen to and you can either download the music and listen to it later or you can listen to the music while it's on Youtube.

As long as you do not copy the music and then sell the music you can legally convert it to mp3 and listen to it at home or anywhere else for your personal use.

You can also copy the music to a CD and use it in a CD player to listen to it.

I've downloaded music from Youtube and listened to it and nobody will know about it anyway.
+1 vote
answered Aug 3, 2020 by fraddy (6,050 points)
Copying content off of YouTube is a copyright infringement. Regardless of the purpose or the final use.

Not only that, but it is also against YouTube's user license to copyright their content. So that two strikes that make this illegal.

I will actually address your specific wording: "Can I listen to music...".
Sure, listening to music is not a copyright infringement. The act of being present where the music is being played is never something you are liable for. It is the acts that copy or distribute that music that are illegal, not the listening. So if you copied this, but your aunt is in the room when you play it on a stereo system at home, only you are infringing, not your aunt.
0 votes
answered Aug 3, 2020 by poliq (6,170 points)

Yeah, sure, why not?  I can share some of the most useful and free tools I`ve already tested, check out this converter  As for the solution of your particular problem, that converter can solve any problem.It’s totally free and easy to use. You can download its desktop version and download high-quality YouTube videos at a fast speed in the format of your choice. Hope it can help

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