Yes it's possible to have the flu and Covid-19 at the same time.
A Coworker of mine tested positive for the flu virus as well as Covid-19 at the same time and that is possible since the flu virus is much different than the Covid-19 virus.
So your body can become infected with both viruses.
So far my Coworker is recovering after a few weeks and he has no complications from the Covid-19 and he's 50 years old.
So although Covid-19 can be a serious thing the good news is that it's not always deadly for everybody.
But you still must take it very serious and try avoid getting the Covid-19 in the first place.
The flu shot cannot and will not help fight the coronavirus if you have the Coronavirus.
Having the flu shot is good to help prevent the flu but if you get the Coronavirus the flu shot cannot help fight off the Coronavirus.
A new vaccine is in the developing stages right now for the Cornavirus but there's no proven vaccine as of now that will actually fight the coronavirus.
It's not expected for the coronavirus vaccine to be fully available until around 2021 or the year 2022.
It can take a long time to develop a vaccine that will fight the coronavirus.
According to news articles I've read the COVID-19 or Cornavirus will not be fully over or nearly over until maybe the year 2022 or the year 2023.
So we're a few years off from this pandemic of the Coronavirus being over.