Do You Miss Being A Kid?

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asked Nov 11, 2016 in Polls/Surveys by Judy (56,120 points)
Do you miss being a kid and having a carefree life without all the responsibilities  of an adult?

I do. I miss being a kid and would go back to Child Hood in a heart beat.

1 Answer

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answered Nov 11, 2016 by chad (14,670 points)

I used to miss it. But after being an adult more and more I have decided that being an adult is soooooooooooo much better than being a kid and now wouldn't go back to being a kid for all the money in the world. 

Being a kid isn't really carefree without responsibilities and you have your life controlled. 

Your parents or other caregivers say when you go to bed, what you wear, how long you can stay outside, when you have to go to the doctors etc. 

You have lots of responsibilities  as a kid. 

Whenever I'm with my parents and my mom happens to see someone with a baby or toddler she mentions how she wish I was that little again and misses those days. 

I told her before that I know she misses the days of me being a kid/baby/toddler, but I wouldn't relive those baby/toddler/kid days for anything in the world and I'm glad they're over to be honest. 

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