How do you remove sticky residue from pans?

+1 vote
asked Jul 19, 2020 in Other-Home/Garden by rcrracer (410 points)
How do you remove sticky residue from pans?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 25, 2020 by Jamie (44,840 points)
When I need to remove sticky residue from pans or pots I put the pots or pans into the sink.

Then I add some degreaser such as purple power degreaser to the sink.

Then I get a pot of water boiling and then add the boiling hot water to the sink and mix it with the degreaser and allow the pots or pants to sit in the boiling water and degreaser.

I allow them to soak for around 15 minutes or until the water cools down.

Then I take a scrub brush and brush the sticky residue away.

The hot water helps dissolve the sticky residue and the degreaser also helps dissolve the sticky residue so that it wipes or scrubs away.

Then I rewash the pots or pans in the dishwasher.

You can also use white vinegar, salt and or baking soda to remove sticky residue from your pots and pans.

Put a little baking soda into the pan or pot and then add some undiluted white vinegar then allow it to bubble and fizz for awhile.

Then use a scrub brush to scrub the sticky residue from the pots or pans.

Salt will also sometimes work or you can use a combination the baking soda, vinegar and salt.

The salt will act as an abrasive to help scrub the sticky residue away.

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