What temperature should my newborn's bath be?

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asked Jul 16, 2020 in Baby/Newborn by Sstsweat (300 points)
What temperature should my newborn's bath be?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 16, 2020 by layla (84,650 points)
When preparing bath water for a newborn baby the bath water should be at least 100 F degrees so that the baby does not get too chilled.

Newborns are unable to properly regulate their body temperature so any water temperature under 100 F degrees can feel chilling to the newborn.

Although that seems hot it's not hot enough to burn the baby.

A good way to test water temperature for your babies bath is to use a bath water thermometer which are not all that expensive.

But if you have no bath water thermometer you can test the water temperature with your hand or elbow.

The water should feel warm to the touch to your skin and not too hot.

If the water is too hot then just allow it to cool down for a few minutes and test again.

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