How often should a 5 year old pee?

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asked Jul 14, 2020 in Kids Health by Eclectic77 (410 points)
How often should a 5 year old pee?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 14, 2020 by Jaybird (12,310 points)
A 5 year old child will usually pee every 10 to 30 minutes during the day depending on how much fluid intake they have.

The more drinks the 5 year old consumes the more often the 5 year old will need to pee.

My son when he was 5 would pee sometimes as much as every 10 to 20 minutes which I thought was excessive but the doctor said it was fine.

Then my other son when he was 5 could go an hour and sometimes as long as 2 hours without needing to pee.

They both were very healthy and nothing was or is wrong with them.

Just like adults pee less often than other adults.

There's no set amount of times a child or adult should pee but if the child is not peeing after 3 hours or so and they have drank enough fluids then something could be wrong.

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