Are formula fed babies less smart?

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asked Jul 10, 2020 in Baby/Newborn by Kpup89 (300 points)
Are formula fed babies less smart?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 10, 2020 by Gracy (149,380 points)
When it comes to feeding babies the breast milk is always the best milk to feed your baby.

The breast milk is the natural milk that mothers produce for their babies and is formulated properly for brain development and other health.

If you can breastfeed your baby you should breastfeed your baby.

However if you need to formula feed your baby then that is okay as well.

Although breast fed babies usually have better developed brains and are sometimes pretty smart it doesn't always mean the baby will be more smart just because they are breastfed.

My brother and I were formula fed as babies and my brother is really smart and works as a computer programmer and coder.

Me I could not wrap my head around that but it's not because I was formula fed.

I'm still pretty good at math and other things.

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