Can I put my 3 month old in a walker?

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asked Jul 10, 2020 in Baby/Newborn by Kpup89 (300 points)
Can I put my 3 month old in a walker?

2 Answers

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answered Jul 10, 2020 by Gracy (149,380 points)
As long as the 3 month old baby is able to sit up easily on their own without any support then the baby at 3 months can be put in a walker.

Always supervise the baby when in a walker especially when they are 3 months old.

However it's not recommended to put a baby in a walker until age 4 months of age or ideally 6 months of age.

Even then walkers for babies are never recommended and can be unsafe.

If you have the baby upstairs for example and there are no baby gates closing off the stairs then the baby could get too close to the stairs and then fall down and injure themselves or even kill themselves.

Babies don't really need walkers and as long as you start holding them up and helping them learn to walk the baby will learn much better that way.

But walkers can be good to put a baby in while you're doing something else while supervising the baby.
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answered Jan 16, 2023 by Salmorejo (44,560 points)
Things that are better than a baby walker are baby activity centers with rotating or bouncy seats or even a stationary activity center.

Baby push walkers are also better than standard baby walkers or even ride on toys where the baby can help push the toy with their legs which helps to strengthen the baby's legs as well.

Push walkers for babies do help babies walk.

When a baby uses a push walker it helps them to stand up and balance themselves and helps them learn to walk and helps the baby to strengthen their leg muscles.

Babies between 10 to 12 months of age can benefit from and use a push walker although in the beginning you may need to help them learn to use it.

Your baby bounces up and down when they are trying to stand as a way to strengthen their leg muscles and stretch out their hips.

Babies also use the bouncing up and down as a way to get used to taking the weight on their feet and it's also fun for the baby to bounce up and down as well.

Babies bounce up and down when standing as it helps the baby stretch out their hips and strengthen their leg muscles.

The baby is also bouncing when standing because they are getting used to taking the weight off of their feet.

After babies begin standing on their own most babies will begin walking within 2 to 3 months after they learn to stand.

You can strengthen your baby's legs by moving them back and forth like a bicycle and encouraging your baby to squat and pick things up which strengthen the baby's leg and hip and thigh muscles.

To strengthen your baby's legs for standing you should encourage the baby to squat by placing toys at their feet when they are supported by a sofa or chair and encourage your baby to squat and pick the toys up.

This up and down motion of squatting builds and strengthens the baby's hip and thigh muscles which helps the baby stand.

Babies usually begin bearing weight on their legs by 3 months to 4 months of age.

And when the baby is 7 months old they will start to bear weight on their legs using their feet that are flat on the floor or on your lap for short periods of time.

However your baby will still need a lot of help with bearing their weight on their legs.

If your 1 year old is not walking yet it just means they are not ready to walk yet.

Although most babies will walk by 1 year of age it's not the case for all babies.

Some babies don't begin walking until 17 or 18 months so you should not worry about your baby not walking until they reach 17 or 18 months and they still are not walking.

Ideally a healthy baby should walk by 12 months and sometimes sooner.

But it's okay if the baby is not walking good by 12 months as it can take awhile for some babies to learn to walk while others learn faster.

When babies and toddlers are learning to walk it's best for them to learn to walk without shoes.

When babies and toddlers are first learning to walk most of them are flat footed because of the bones and muscles as well as ligaments in the feet are underdeveloped and when the toddler walks barefoot it helps to encourage balance, posture and coordination.

Barefoot is best for toddlers to allow their feet to grow and develop.

When at home and in the house it's good for toddlers to go barefoot or at least wear just a pair of socks.

Shoes can be restricting and when possible the toddler should go without shoes.

Of course if the toddler is outside away from home they should wear shoes but at home they are best off barefoot.

If the toddlers feet are cold or the room is cool you should put socks on the toddler at night.

However if it's warm the toddler may be more comfortable sleeping without socks.

During winter months it's best to put socks on the toddler to keep their feet warm as they lose some body heat through their feet.

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