What happens when your body is too alkaline?

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asked Jul 9, 2020 in Other- Health by societyconforms (400 points)
What happens when your body is too alkaline?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 13, 2020 by Lilly21 (57,780 points)
When your body is too alkaline it's called alkalosis.

The condition alkalosis is excessive blood alkalinity that is caused by an overabundance of bicarbonate in the blood or a loss of acid from the blood metabolic alkalosis, or by a low level of carbon dioxide in the blood that results from rapid or deep breathing respiratory alkalosis.

This in turn can lead to another condition called acidosis which is an excessively acid condition of the body fluids or tissues.

Acidosis can lead to numerous health issues, and it can even be life-threatening so you want to keep your bodies acid and alkaline levels at the proper level.

You don't want your bodies alkaline or acid levels to be too high or too low.

Having your body too alkaline can lead to liver disease, kidney disease, kidney failure and even death in some cases.

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