What is the cost of installing a deck?

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asked Jul 8, 2020 in Other-Home/Garden by Peterzina (310 points)
What is the cost of installing a deck?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 10, 2020 by Shelde (51,110 points)
The cost of installing a deck by a professional deck installer or contractor ranges from as low as $3,000.00 to as much as $7,000.00 and even as much as $14,000.00 depending on the size of the deck and the materials.

Smaller decks will require less money and larger decks require more money due to more materials needed for the larger deck.

If you can install the deck yourself then you'll only pay the cost of the materials and your time.

I installed a deck for around $1,000.00 in materials and it turned out to be a nice deck.

I was quoted $3,000.00 for the same deck including materials.

It took me a few weekends to build the deck because I had to go to work on the weekdays.

I could've probably installed the deck within a few days but since I had to go to work it took me longer.

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