How many miles do you drive per day?

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asked Jul 5, 2020 in Commuting by Purppup88 (300 points)
How many miles do you drive per day?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 5, 2020 by Minty (139,260 points)
I work from home now so I don't drive too much anymore.

However when I used to drive to work I used to drive 80 miles round trip for my work commute.

Now I drive when I need too or when I just want to get out and take a drive somewhere.

Also our grocery store is around 22 miles away from my home so I drive 44 miles to and from the grocery store about once per week or unless I need to go get something for a recipe.

I maybe sometimes put only around 200 to 300 miles per month on my car.

I put only around 3,000 to 3,600 miles per year on my vehicle which is pretty low mileage.

My husband however works for himself as a welder and goes around 200 miles per day some days.

He really racks up the mileage on his truck.

The average driver puts on around 12,000 miles to 15,000 miles per year on their vehicle.

But some do more mileage per year and some people put less mileage on their vehicle per year.

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