Where does a pediatric oncologist work?

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asked Jul 1, 2020 in Employment & Careers by sonicstefan98 (400 points)
Where does a pediatric oncologist work?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 3, 2020 by Gracy (132,100 points)
A pediatric oncologist works at Children's Hospitals, Regular Hospitals, university medical centers, community hospitals and even at cancer centers for children, which are designed to treat patients under the age of 18 or 19.

The average salary for an oncologist is between $8,300.00 to as much as $33,000.00 per month.

Yes that is per month and not per year.

Being an oncologist is a good paying job or career and the average annual salary for an oncologist is as much as between $190,000.00 to $460,000.00 per year.

If you want to get into the medical field then becoming an oncologist is one of the best and highest paying careers in the medical field.

Becoming an oncologist though is hard work and requires a lot of medical study in college.

But if you are determined and willing to go to college for the time it takes to become an oncologist it will be a very good career choice.

Oncologists  will always be in demand for years to come.

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