Does Ignoring Bullies Work?

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asked Jun 29, 2020 in Polls/Surveys by tossedegg (880 points)
Does Ignoring Bullies Work?

When you're being bullied does ignoring the bully work to stop the bullying?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 29, 2020 by Jtoodlers (500 points)
In most cases of bully ignoring the bullies does work to stop the bullying.

Bullies will bully people because they love the reaction they get so if the bully sees that you're scared of them, crying etc then the bully will continue to bully because they realize that you're being hurt.

The bully thrives on those reactions so by ignoring the bully you can sometimes take their joy out of bulling you.

Also bullies like to pick on weaker people who they think are an easier target as well.

Sometimes you do eventually have to stand up to a bully and tell them sternly that they should stop what they are doing because it's not bothering you even though it is.

You have to really give them a mean look and look tougher when doing so but sometimes it works.

Most times when I've been verbally bullied I would just ignore the bully and eventually the bully would stop doing the bullying.

If the bully gets physical be prepared to stand up and fight as you don't want the bully to beat you so bad it injures you or even kills you.

Calling the police can sometimes help but not always unless there's actual physical violence going on.

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