How can you tell if your pinky toe is broken?

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asked Jun 23, 2020 in Pain by Ultimateredu (2,360 points)
How can you tell if your pinky toe is broken?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 24, 2020 by lulumeon (40,870 points)
The best way to tell if your pinky toe or other toe is broken is to move the pinky toe or other toe back and forth and if it moves back and forth okay without pain then the pinky toe or other toe is likely not broken.

But if you move the toe and it feels broken or it is painful to move back and forth then the pinky toe or other toe is likely broke.

To know for sure if the pinky toe is broken you should see a doctor or go to a walk in clinic or urgent care.

They can then X Ray the toe and tell for sure if the toe is broken.

There may also be throbbing pain on the toe, or swelling or bruising on the broken toe.

Or if it gets painful to walk when you put some weight on that toe then it could be broken.

When you have a broken pinky toe you can still usually walk with the broken pinky toe.

But when you do have a broken pinky toe it may be painful to walk on that foot but you should still be able to walk.

It's recommended you get the broken pinky toe checked out by a doctor and have it fixed and the doctor can put your foot in a walking boot made for the broken toe.

But even if you don't have the broken pinky toe fixed it will usually heal on it's own.

a broken pinky toe can and will heal on it's own.

Usually there's no need to get medical attention when you have a broken pinky toe and usually just resting the foot and toe at home can allow the broken pinky toe to heal on it's own.

However if you notice any swelling or other bruising then it would be best to go to urgent care or a walk in clinic or at least see your doctor about.

You just don't want the broken pinky toe to become infected.

But even if you don't go to the doctor or get medical attention for the broken pinky toe the broken pinky toe will heal on it's own.

Most broken pinky toes heal on their own fully within 4 weeks to 6 weeks but if not you should see a doctor.

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