How do you disinfect your house from MRSA?

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asked Jun 23, 2020 in Diseases Conditions by Edwinmac (1,070 points)
How do you disinfect your house from MRSA?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 23, 2020 by lulumeon (40,870 points)
To disinfect your house from MRSA make sure to use some disinfecting spray such as Lysol and spray down bedding, pillows, doorknobs, doors, faucet handles and anything else that the person touches when they have MRSA.

Lysol spray will kill the MRSA and even Clorox cleaning wipes will also.

Disinfect the toilet seat as well.

I spray Lysol spray on my toilet seat daily to kill any potential viruses that may live on the seat and also doorknobs etc.

I do more disinfecting of the house during cold and flu season.

Also wash the bedding in some bleach if possible and also mop the floors with bleach and wipe down counters and everything else with some Clorox wipes or even some bleach when you can.

MRSA can be passed sexually but it's because of the MRSA being passed through the Vagina or Sperm etc.

MRSA can be passed through skin to skin contact so if your partner has MRSA and then you have Sex with that person then you can also get MRSA.

MRSA is not an STD but you can get it from someone who has the MRSA when having sex.

MRSA infection will go away as long as you get medical treatment.

Most people who have MRSA and get medical treatment no longer have the MRSA ever again.

But then again some people even when treated for MRSA may have the MRSA return several times after treatment before it does go away.

MRSA does not go away on it's own and without treatment the MRSA can kill you within just 24 hours which is a short amount of time.

If you have MRSA and you don't get medical attention and medical treatment for the MRSA it can kill you pretty quickly.

The MRSA has the ability to kill a person within 24 hours.

So does not take all that long for MRSA to kill you if you have it so it's very important to get to the emergency room right away.

Don't waste time if you think or know you may have MRSA because it can be deadly really quick.

Some signs and symptoms of MRSA are skin conditions in which parts of your skin may look red, skin can be warm to the touch, painful skin especially when touched.

You may also have a fever as well as pus or other drainage of the skin.

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