Who makes more money occupational therapist or physical therapist?

+1 vote
asked Jun 21, 2020 in Employment & Careers by o9uofgod (410 points)
Who makes more money occupational therapist or physical therapist?

2 Answers

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answered Jun 22, 2020 by Gracy (132,100 points)
A physical therapist makes more money than an occupational therapist.

However that is in most states but in some states an occupational therapist may earn slightly more than a physical therapist.

Physical therapists usually earn around $40.69 per hour while occupational therapists usually earn around $26.23 per hour.

The average annual salary for a physical therapist is between $82,960.00 and $85,250.00

So while a physical therapist does make some good money they are not as highly paid as some other doctors or surgeons, nurses etc.

Physical therapists jobs though will always be in demand and it's usually easier to get a physical therapist degree than any other doctors or nurses degrees.

Physical therapists are indeed doctors.

However a physical therapist is only a doctor of physical therapy and not a physician.

Physical therapists study the musculoskeletal system and doctoral level research and the physical therapist can diagnose some parts of the human body but not all.

Physical therapists can and do diagnose people who they see.

The physical therapist treats and diagnoses people of all ages including ages, from newborns to people at the end of life.

Physical therapists can treat and diagnose patients who have injuries, disabilities, or other health conditions that need treatment.

Not only that but physical therapists can and do also treat patients who just want to become healthier and to prevent future problems with their health.

So if you do have a condition with your back or other part of your body that makes it difficult for you to do anything or you have pain then a physical therapist can diagnose those problems.
0 votes
answered Jun 25, 2020 by Christeen (70,120 points)
Physical Therapists do make more money than occupational therapists do.

So if you're looking to make more money you should be a physical therapist instead of an occupational therapist although even being an occupational therapist is a good career and both occupational therapist and physical therapists will always be in demand for years.

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