How long does it take to get over influenza type A?

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asked Jun 17, 2020 in Other- Health by mjm-1957 (410 points)
How long does it take to get over influenza type A?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 18, 2020 by SandSam (7,630 points)
It takes between 1 week to 2 weeks to get over influenza type A.

Getting over influenza type A takes the same amount of time to get over as it does to get over any other type of flu virus.

When you have the flu including influenza type A you're usually contagious with the influenza type A the day before you show symptoms of the influenza type A flu virus.

That means you could infect someone else around you without even knowing about it.

Most people when they do have influenza type A get feeling better within 1 week to 2 weeks after they get it.

If not you need to see a doctor about it.

However a doctor cannot do much for the common flu and usually just waiting it out and taking some flu medicines and fever reducers can help manage the symptoms.

Stay in bed as much as possible, get plenty of rest, drinking plenty of water, tea and other hydrating fluids and within a week to 2 weeks you should be over the influenza type A flu virus.

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