Can stress cause asthma to get worse?

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asked Jun 16, 2020 in Diseases Conditions by Kaitlyn (3,850 points)
Can stress cause asthma to get worse?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 17, 2020 by Gracy (148,660 points)
Yes stress can cause asthma to get worse.

Stress is a very common asthma trigger and when you have asthma you need to avoid stress as much as possible because when you're stressed out and have asthma your body will start having an asthma attack.

When you do have an asthma attack you need to use your inhaler and if it's severe enough call 911 for the asthma attack.

Asthma can be deadly.

Yes asthma can kill you in rare cases and if left untreated.

If you have asthma and you have an asthma attack and don't get medical treatment right away then the asthma can kill you because you have trouble breathing with the asthma.

It's very important to take your breathing treatments like you're supposed to and when you're supposed to so as to prevent an asthma attack.

If you do have an asthma attack you need to seek medical attention and call 911 while taking your breathing treatments.

So take your breathing treatments for the asthma and call 911 as well.

If it's someone else in your house having asthma call 911 and get them the breathing treatments while the paramedics are on the way.

Asthma kills more people over 50 but even kids can die of asthma.

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