How long can you live with a defibrillator?

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asked Jun 14, 2020 in Other- Health by Tanyavag (400 points)
How long can you live with a defibrillator?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 15, 2020 by JJSazmei (700 points)
The life expectancy of someone who has a defibrillator can vary depending on the persons age and current health conditions.

Some people with more severe health issues and more severe heart disease may live between 5 to 7 years after being fitted with a defibrillator.

Some patients and people who have a defibrillator may live for 10 years to 30 years more with the defibrillator depending on the persons age and health.

My Grandpa lived for 15 years after getting a defibrillator and I've known some people who only have lived 5 to 7 years after they have the defibrillator.

If you have a defibrillator or need a defibrillator then you can expect your life to be possibly shorter but not always.

It's important to stay healthy and active and avoid stress to keep your heart healthy so you hopefully never need a defibrillator.

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