Is gout a sign of kidney failure?

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asked Jun 8, 2020 in Diseases Conditions by Marybeth122 (3,140 points)
Is gout a sign of kidney failure?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 10, 2020 by Gracy (149,380 points)
Yes gout can be a sign of kidney failure or kidney disease.

Gout for some people is a common warning sign of kidney disease and kidney failure.

So if you do experience gout you should be tested for kidney disease and kidney failure because if kidney failure is left untreated you can die within a few weeks to a month or so depending on how bad your kidneys are.

Gout doesn't always mean you have kidney failure or kidney disease though but it can be a sign of it.

Some people have gout and do not have kidney disease or kidney failure but there are some people who do have gout and then they also have kidney failure.

If you do have kidney failure you'll need to be on dialysis for your kidneys so that you'll survive and hopefully get a kidney transplant as well.

If you do have gout you can also drink some tart cherry juice which helps with the gout flare ups.

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