Do you need life insurance when you retire?

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asked Jun 7, 2020 in Insurance by Rob133 (300 points)
Do you need life insurance when you retire?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 7, 2020 by $19169 (2,810 points)
When you retire you do not really need any life insurance unless you want to continue paying for life insurance.

Also if you have nobody to support with your income any longer such as children that would need your income to survive then you do not need life insurance once retired.

Life insurance is really only needed to cover expenses for awhile after you're gone.

The life insurance is basically just income protection for your family when you die.

So if you have nobody to support after you retire then you do not have to have life insurance unless you want to have life insurance.

If you just need to pay for your funeral and other related expenses then you can prepay for a funeral and have all your wishes carried out.

If you prepay for your funeral or cremation etc then there's no need for life insurance unless you need to take care of family that relies on your income.

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