Is an engagement ring more expensive than a wedding ring?

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asked May 24, 2020 in Divorce & Marriage by bear196 (410 points)
Is an engagement ring more expensive than a wedding ring?

4 Answers

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answered May 25, 2020 by Christeen (70,120 points)
Yes most engagement rings are more expensive than a wedding rings.

The reason that engagement rings are usually more expensive than wedding rings is  because the engagement ring has expensive gemstones while the wedding rings usually do not.

However some wedding rings can be even more expensive than engagement rings depending on the rings you buy for the wedding.

You can also buy cheaper engagement rings and cheaper wedding rings depending on your budget.

You don't have to pay a lot for wedding rings or engagement rings because the rings don't make the actual marriage but instead it's the love between the husband and wife or the same sex couple that makes the marriage and makes the marriage last.

If you really do not love each other than no ring even the really expensive rings will matter.
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answered Aug 28, 2020 by Ulrich Kippenberger (2,300 points)

Normally yes, because women prefer it with diamonds, while wedding rings are of simple gold. Although I am not ready for marriage yet. I want to date those women for a while who know what they want from life. Not all of them want marriage, some already had negative experience.

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answered Oct 14, 2022 by ericbaker (540 points)
The answer to this question is yes! Engagement rings are generally considered to be more expensive than wedding rings. However, if you are looking at buying a diamond engagement ring, then you should know that the price difference between the two types of rings is not that big. In fact, some people prefer getting engaged without wearing any kind of jewelry. If you want to get engaged without spending much money, then you can go for a simple promise ring. You can even ask your partner to write down his/her promise on a piece of paper and give it to you.
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answered Jan 21, 2023 by MarkSlim (480 points)

It all depends on the materials, quantity of materials and design.  You can always find both budget options and more expensive ones. The market allows all lovers to be happy.
If you are in the planning stages of your wedding, don't forget to book a photographer and videographer. This wedding video company provides a very high quality service.

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