Mineral spirits are organic solvents you use for cleaning equipment and thinning paints.
The solvent mineral spirits is also called Stoddard solvent or white spirit and is also used as a cleaning agent.
Mineral spirits are made via the petroleum distilling process.
Mineral spirits are also heavily refined when compared to paint thinner.
Acetone and mineral spirits are not the same, and should not be treated as if they are.
Part of the confusion between mineral spirits and acetone comes from the fact that both are used as thinners.
Painters commonly use mineral spirits, for example, to thin the paint that they put into paint sprayers.
Acetone, on the other hand, is used to thin lacquer.
Mineral spirits often contain substances, such as toluene, that are CERCLA hazardous substances.
Common uses for mineral spirits include.
Cleaning Paint Tools. Mineral spirits are excellent for dissolving paint.
Degreasing Vehicle Parts. Another common use of mineral spirits apart from thinning paint is degreasing.
As A Solvent For Thinning Paint. This one is the most common use of mineral spirits.
As A Cleaner For Floor Scuffs.