Do shower heads wear out?

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asked May 17, 2020 in Other-Home/Garden by Wonderhuss (1,940 points)
Do shower heads wear out?

2 Answers

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answered May 17, 2020 by Annuieoka (540 points)
Shower heads do not usually wear out because there's nothing in the shower head that can wear out.

However overtime calcium deposits can buildup in the shower head and cause a loss of water flow and then you can usually clean the calcium deposits out of the shower head using some vinegar.

CLR cleaner also works but vinegar also works great at cleaning shower heads.

Although most shower heads do not wear out the shower head my fall apart if it's brass.

I once had a brass shower head that was part brass and part plastic and the brass part that connected to the shower head pipe broke and it fell off while I was taking a shower.

Most shower heads are good for around 5 to 10 years before needing replaced and some shower heads may last longer.

After 10 years it may be a good idea to replace the shower head regardless.

A shower head should last between 5 to 10 years and sometimes longer.

Most times a shower head just needs cleaned because calcium deposits build up in the shower head and cause a loss of water pressure.

When you notice that your shower head is not spraying water out properly then the shower head is likely becoming clogged with some calcium deposits from the water.

Overtime those calcium deposits build up in the shower head and restrict the water flow.

You can usually clean the calcium deposits out of the shower head by filling a Ziploc bag with some vinegar and then tie the Ziploc bag with vinegar around the shower head and let the shower head soak in the bag of vinegar for 1 to 2 hours.

The vinegar will break down the calcium deposits in the shower head.

Then run the shower with straight hot water to flush it out.

If the shower head has become fully clogged then you may need to replace it with a new one.

I usually replace my shower heads after 10 years which is quite a long time.
0 votes
answered Oct 6, 2020 by Cody Powell (1,500 points)

A normal attachment tends to collect many negative elements, therefore, it has a bad effect on the skin. In general, I would recommend you to buy a filtered shower If you have hard chlorinated water in your house, this filter is a real find.

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