Do you good lover

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asked May 16, 2020 in Other- Society & Culture by steel feel (620 points)
How do you think, you are a good in sex or no?

I think it will be very intersting topic to discuss, so let's discuss.

3 Answers

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answered May 16, 2020 by Minty (139,230 points)
Yes I do believe that I am a pretty good lover and am good in sex.

I have 4 children and really want another child eventually.

I do think it's an interesting subject.

I do not need anything but my own body to last in bed and my husband is very good at sex as well and can last a long time.

He enjoys sex just like I do and we will likely continue having sex while wearing and using protection for sex to prevent a baby when we are done having babies.

However I hope to have at least one more baby before I start using any protection for sex.
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answered May 17, 2020 by steel feel (620 points)

I think that I am really good at sex, but I think that in any area there is room to grow and develop, and sex is by no means an exception. My girlfriend and I often practice something new, and after I had seen enough of anal porn, I also want to try this kind of sex for myself. But you need to prepare well for it, buy a lubricant and all that.

0 votes
answered May 17, 2023 by Palululu (2,280 points)
Improving one's sex life is a topic that many people are interested in. There are several ways to enhance your sexual experiences. Communication with your partner is key, as it allows you to understand each other's desires and preferences. Experimenting with new techniques, exploring fantasies, and prioritizing intimacy can also contribute to a fulfilling sex life. Additionally, seeking professional advice from sex therapists or reading educational resources can provide valuable insights. Remember, everyone's journey is unique, so find what works best for you and your partner.

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