Does Tide to go work on shoes?

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asked May 14, 2020 in laundry/Cleaning by Kmuskidian (300 points)
Does Tide to go work on shoes?

1 Answer

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answered May 16, 2020 by layla (62,110 points)
Yes Tide To Go will work on shoes to remove stains.

The Tide To Go can work on both cloth shoes and other types of shoes as well.

When using Tide To Go the Tide To Go works best on stains that happened right then or at least within 30 minutes to an hour of getting the stain.

The longer you wait to remove the stain from the shoes or other clothing with the Tide To Go the less effective the Tide To Go pen will be on the stain.

You can also use some vinegar and baking soda to remove stains from shoes if the Tide To Go does not remove the stain.

I have used Tide To Go to remove stains on my shoes such as food that has dropped and fell on my shoes and it worked great at removing the stains.

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