Is Fibromyalgia considered a disability?

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asked May 8, 2020 in Diseases Conditions by Lisamarli (280 points)
Is Fibromyalgia considered a disability?

1 Answer

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answered May 8, 2020 by lulumeon (40,870 points)
In rare cases Fibromyalgia can be considered a disability and you can in rare cases get approved for disability payments if you suffer from Fibromyalgia.

However it is very hard to actually get approved for disability even when you have a doctor diagnose you for Fibromyalgia.

The Fibromyalgia would have to make it so that you could not work even a desk job.

Some doctors do believe in fibromyalgia and some doctors do not believe in fibromyalgia.

If one doctor you go to does not believe in fibromyalgia and says it's all in your head and you're imagining the condition then you can see another doctor who does believe in fibromyalgia.

It may take seeing more than one or even 4 doctors before you get one that does believe in fibromyalgia but there are some doctors out there that do believe in fibromyalgia and will provide or recommend treatments for it.

The fibromyalgia has existed for years and most doctors way back then never really much believed in it.

But as the years have gone on and some doctors gained more knowledge then some of those doctors started to believe in the fibromyalgia condition.

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